Easter Greetings!

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"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!"
CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! Dear Sisters, Brothers, Pastors and all colaborers in the Lord’s vineyard: The Russian-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Union, USA greets your most heartily with the joyous Easter greeting - CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED!
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is more than simply information. It’s more than a historical fact that occurred in the distant past. It’s a personal encounter with the Risen Christ!

The resurrection is not simply an important aspect of the Christian faith. Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ the Christian faith itself would be impossible. The resurrection of Christ has the power to change a person and bring about a personal spiritual transformation of our lives.

Our wish, beloved, is that your Christian life would be saturated with the power of the triumphant victory of the Risen Christ and that this power would be evident in your life and in our mutual ministry in His Church!On behalf of RUEBU,

George Harlov
Ivan Titarenko
Георгий Харлов