60th Anniversary Of ECC

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Dear friends:
Sixty years ago the RUEBU Executive Committee purchased a small Bible Camp in Ashford, CT and, with the sacrificial help of countless members of our RUEBU churches, turned it into a true missionary Center. ECC’s motto, “Where God’s Voice Is Heard and His Handiwork Is Seen,” reflects its mission. Literally, thousands of children, young people and adults heard the voice of God in the Evangelical Christian Center and became followers of Jesus Christ.

The Center also provides a Home for the Aged, facilities for the printing of Christian literature and a radio studio.

An all-day celebration of ECC’s sixty years of ministry is being planned for Saturday, April 20, 2013. The festivities will begin at 11 a.m. and will include an Anniversary Banquet followed by a celebration service that should end at 5 p.m.

Since the Tabernacle was always central to ECC’s ministry, it was decided to renovate it after sixty years of use. The cost of renovation will be approximately $150,000. If you, or any member of your family, have benefitted from ECC’s ministry in the past, we encourage you to consider helping with the renovation and upgrading of the Tabernacle. This will ensure its continued use as a place of worship and Christian instruction for future generations. It can be a gift in memory of a loved one, or a friend.

Your contribution should be sent to Evangelical Christian Center, 574 Ashford Center Road, Ashford, CT 06278. Attention: Bill Smyrnow. Please make out your check to “RUEBU” and mark it “Tabernacle.” You can also send your contribution via PayPal by linking to the website: eccministries.org. Go to the “Donate page” and press “One-time gift.” Please contact Bill Smyrnow at (860)-429-2743 ext. 302 regarding any other questions you may have. Reservations for April 20th are required in order for us to plan adequately for this event.

“Then the people rejoiced because these had given willingly…to the Lord...”
(I Chron. 29:9) May we, too, give with joy to the Lord’s work!

On behalf of the RUEBU Executive Committee,

George Harlov, President

George Boltniew, 1st Vice-President